Lab 8
Install Docker Compose


Install Docker Compose.

Install Docker Compose

Docker Compose is a tool that we’re going to be using in upcoming labs to manage multiple Docker containers running at the same time. Let’s make sure it’s installed correctly.


Docker Compose is part of Docker Toolbox, so it should already be installed. Verify your installation as below to make sure it works.

Mac OS X

Docker Compose is part of Docker Toolbox, so it should already be installed. Verify your installation as below to make sure it works.


It is best to install Docker Compose using the instructions on the Docker website. Docker Compose is a relatively young piece of software that evolves quickly, and your distribution’s package might not be up to date.

Verify Your Installation

Verify that you have a recent version of Docker Compose installed.

$ docker-compose --version
docker-compose version 1.16.1, build 6d1ac21